Dahl, Michael

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Cold, colder, coldest

animals that adapt to cold weather
Presents a children's book for early readers that describes the various animals that live in the extreme cold weather such as Arctic bumblebees, the Alaskan blackfish, polar bears, musk ox, emperor penguins, and the Siberian husky.

Eggs and legs

counting by twos
Introduces counting and multiplying by twos as a hen searches for her missing eggs.

Hot, hotter, hottest

animals that adapt to great heat
Describes a number of animals that can endure the extreme heat including the monarch butterfly, fennec fox, burrowing owl, antelope jackrabbit, camel, and others.


seeing black all around us
Text and photographs describe common things that are black, including tires, hockey pucks, and black cats.

Hands down

counting by fives
Text and illustrations made with handprints show how to count by fives, from five to fifty. Features hidden numbers in the illustrations.

Laughs for a living

jokes about doctors, teachers, firefighters, and other people who work
This collection of jokes includes police jokes, firefighter jokes, doctor jokes, waiters, dentists, teachers, and more and quick one-liners and puns.

Do frogs have fur?

a book about animal coats and coverings
Illustrations and easy-to-follow text describe the different coats and covering animals have.

To catch a ghost

Tyler Yu, school bully, is convinced that there is a ghost stealing things at Abracadabra Hotel, and he enlists the help of Charlie Hitchcock to solve the mystery.

Knock your socks off

a book of knock-knock jokes
This is a collection of knock-knock jokes.

Chuckle squad

jokes about classrooms, sports, food, teachers, and other school subjects
This collection of jokes includes school jokes, food jokes, and sports jokes.


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