pandora (greek mythology)

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pandora (greek mythology)


An illustrated version of the ancient Greek myth of Pandora.


When the young host of a party opens a mysterious box hidden in his father's study, he releases a dark force into the world that terrorizes each of the party's guests.

Pandora gets heart

Pandy, Alcie, Iole, and Homer face many dangers as they make their way to the sacred Mount Ida in Phrygia to capture another deadly evil--lust.

Pandora gets angry

Mysterious sandstorms and frightening strangers are hindering Pandora and her friends' attempts to get to Persia and recover the fifth evil, rage, but they are helped by a cute Persian boy who leads Pandy and crew to the Garden of Jin where a genie is hiding their prize.

Pandora gets lazy

On their way to find the third evil, laziness, Pandy and her friends, Alcie, Iole, and Homer, face many dangers after Pandy falls from Apollo's chariot and her friends are captured by pirates who intend to sell them into slavery.

Pandora gets vain

After capturing jealousy from a priestess in Crete, Pandy, her friends Alcie and Iole, and her little dog Dido, brave many obstacles as they travel to Egypt in search of the second of the seven evils--vanity.

Pandora the curious

Pandora, one of the few mortals at Mount Olympus Academy, whose curious nature makes it difficult for her to not take a peek in the mysterious and dangerous box brought to school by Epimetheus, which causes far more trouble than anyone could have imagine.

Pandora gets jealous

Thirteen-year-old Pandy is hauled before Zeus and given six months to gather all of the evils that were released when the box she brought to school as her annual project was accidentally opened.


Presents the myth of Pandora, the woman whose curiosity leads her to open a box she was warned to keep closed, releasing evil--and hope--into the world.

Keep a lid on it, Pandora!

Hades, King of the Underworld, tells the true story behind the Greek myth about Pandora opening a box and releasing terrible evils into the world.


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