middle east

Geographic Name
middle east

The Middle East in the age of uncertainty, 1991-present

Explores the events that have taken place in the Middle East since the Gulf War in 1991, discussing the end of Iraqi occupation in Kuwait, the continuing Arab-Israeli conflict, al-Qaida-sponsored attacks on the United States, and the invasion of Iraq.

The ancient Near East

Text plus historical and contemporary maps provide a look at the history of the Ancient Near East.

Holy lands

one place three faiths
Chronicles the religious history of the Holy Lands, including Israel, the West Bank, the Sinai and Saudi Arabia, Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Mecca, and Medina, discussing their significance in the Christian, Jewish, and Islamic faiths.

Bible lands

Photographs and text document life in Biblical times, surveying the clothing, food, and civilizations of a wide variety of cultures, including the Israelites, Babylonians, Persians, and Romans.

The first empires

Describes the earliest civilizations of Egypt, Asia, and the area between the Mediterranean and the Persian Gulf.

The battle for oil

Describes the history and development of the oil industry, the world's dependence upon oil, global oil reserves, and threats to the world's oil supply.

The Kurds

Presents a historical background on the Kurds while looking at controversies surrounding the group's treatment by Iraq and Turkey and whether the Kurds should be granted an independent state, and features four personal narratives.


Presents twenty-four essays that argue opposing points regarding the roots of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, whether Israel should exist, whether peace in the region is possible, and what the U.S.'s policy toward Israel should be; and includes discussion questions, a chronology, and an annotated list of related organizations.


region under siege
Presents background information on the Kurds and examines the history of their ethnic conflict with other peoples in the mountainous regions of southeastern Asia.

Israel and the Arab nations in conflict

Focuses on the decades-old conflict between the Israelis and the Arabs while tracing the history of the Middle East including the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin in 1995.


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