Retells, in cartoon format, the story of how the mighty Hercules battles several foes with his strength and cleverness while on a quest for the golden apples.
gods, monsters, myths and what's in store for Jason, Piper and Leo
Buczynsky, Natalie
Describes the gods, goddesses, and mythical animals that figure in the novels of Rick Riordan, including the Heroes of Olympus series and the stories about Percy Jackson.
Presents a collection of full-color illustrated photographs depicting the life, myth, and art of ancient Rome including temples and aqueducts, mosaics and jewelry, and much more.
Explores the religion of ancient Rome, focusing on how particular gods and goddesses were part of, and honored in, the everyday lives of the Roman people.
from the heights of Mount Olympus to the depths of the Underworld--all you need to know about the classical myths
Conner, Nancy
An introduction to classic mythology that recounts the stories of the gods and goddesses, monsters, magical beasts, and heroes that make up Greek and Roman mythology.