graphic methods

Topical Term
graphic methods

By the numbers 2.0

A collection of infographics that provide numerical statistics about a variety of topics.

Lines, bars and circles

how William Playfaire invented graphs
Looks at how William Playfair invented line, bar, and circle graphs.

Mashed potatoes

collecting data
Colorful photographs and simple text introduce children to the mathematical concepts of comparing data using the base ten numeration system.

Graphing story problems

Introduces graphs, describes the different types, and discusses how to obtain data and use it to create a graph.

Let's make a tally chart

Explains the features of tally charts and discusses how they can be used to organize data. Outlines how to make a tally chart of one's own and includes photographs and a glossary.

Let's make a picture graph

Explains the features of picture graphs and discusses how they can be used to organize data. Outlines how to make a picture graph of one's own and includes photographs and a glossary.

Let's make a circle graph

Explains the features of circle graphs and discusses how they can be used to organize data. Outlines how to make a circle graph of one's own and includes photographs and a glossary.

Let's make a bar graph

Explains the features of bar graphs and discusses how they can be used to organize data. Outlines how to make a bar graph of one's own and includes photographs and a glossary.

Scrumptious statistics

Presents information on statistics, covering topics such as statistical questions and displays and the shape of data distributions. Includes practice problems, a glossary, and a list of additional resources.


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