military relations

Geographic Name
military relations

Mussolini and the origins of the Second World War, 1933-1940

Examines Italy's foreign policy in the late interwar period, drawing from declassified materials to discuss the nature of Benito Mussolini's relationship with Adolf Hitler and his decision to declare war against England and France in 1940.

Nineteen weeks

America, Britain, and the fateful summer of 1940
Chronicles the events that took place during the spring and summer of 1940, discussing how each event impacted world government, economy, and culture.

The foreigner's gift

the Americans, the Arabs, and the Iraqis in Iraq
Describes the foreign policies in place in the Middle East, the struggle for Iraq, the history of dictatorship in Iraq, the changes in that country as a result of Western intervention, and the future of Iraq and the Middle East as a whole.

The banana wars

a history of United States military intervention in Latin America from the Spanish-American War to the invasion of Panama
A history of the United States military involvement and intervention in Latin America including the countries of Cuba, Nicaragua, Haiti, the Dominican Republic, Grenada, and Panama.

The Anglo-Boer wars

the British and the Afrikaners, 1815-1902

Operation Desert Storm

Describes the military campaigns of Operation Desert Storm in which over half-a-million American troops and troops from twenty-eight other nations joined forces to liberate Kuwait.

Operation Desert Shield

Describes the events of Operation Desert Shield, the build-up of the United Nations coalition forces in the Persian Gulf prior to the Gulf War.


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