united states

Geographic Name
united states

Cold War

Presents reference tools on the Cold War, including overviews of fifteen aspects of the era, thirty-one primary sources including speeches by John F. Kennedy, Nikita Khrushchev, Ronald Reagan, and others, fifty biographies, a time line, a glossary, a bibliography, activities, research ideas, and a cumulative index.
Cover image of Cold War

Cold War

Presents overviews of eight aspects of the Cold War, including the Cuban Missile Crisis, American unrest in the 1960s, and the arms race in the 1980s, and includes a time line, a glossary, a "people to know" list, and research and activity ideas.
Cover image of Cold War

The mantle of command

FDR at war, 1941-1942
An examination of Franklin Delano Roosevelt's leadership of the Allied war effort during World War II, discussing such topics as Pearl Harbor, Churchill and the British, and Operation Torch.
Cover image of The mantle of command

Ser o no ser

ese es el dilema en Puerto Rico
The author considers the cultural identity of Puerto Rico in the 21st century, discussing how the colonization of Puerto Rico has created a conflict that he believes can only be resolved by finally making a choice between becoming a separate country or becoming the 51st state of the United States.
Cover image of Ser o no ser


Provides access to a wide diversity of opinions about, Mexico, also stimulating readers to do further research for group discussion and individual interest. Selections by experts, policy makers, and concerned citizens include complete articles and speeches, long book excerpts, and occasional cartoons and boxed quotations.
Cover image of Mexico

U.S. Latino issues

"[This] book is divided into 12 chapters, each addressing an important and controversial issue pertinent to Latinos. A background section introduces each chapter about U.S. Latino communities and their history, then frames each issue, after which arguments for and against the issue are debated, followed by a section with questions for students to discuss and debate"--Pages xxvii-xxviii.
Cover image of U.S. Latino issues

U.S. immigration services

Looks at the immigration process and what it is like to immigrate to the United States.
Cover image of U.S. immigration services

Pearl Harbor

the U.S. enters World War II
A brief narrative of the bombing of Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, marking America's entrance into World War II, and includes a timeline of major events throughout the war, as well as information on those who experienced it.

The Industrial Revolution

Discusses how the Industrial Revolution affected America, including such aspects of the era as child factory labor, the inventions of Samuel Slater and John Deere, and the emergence of the railroad industry.

The United States and Mexico

Presents a history of the relationship between Mexico and the United States, discussing the war of 1846 between Mexico and the United States, how Mexico became independent in 1821, and why immigration has become a controversial issue for both countries in recent years.


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