
Topical Term

Under threat

Seventeen-year-old Franny loves her horse, her girlfriend Leah, and her parents who are abortion providers. When her parents begin receiving anonymous threats, Franny believes it might be Leah's brother, an outspoken critic of abortion. If Franny confronts Leah's brother, she might lose Leah, but if she says nothing, she may lose her parents.

Don't read the comments

Live streamer Divya Sharma is a rising star among gamers who play "Reclaim the Sun" and her recent sponsorships are helping her single mother pay rent. She meets another budding video game developer named Aaron and the two develop an online friendship. When a group of trolls begin to harass Divya with a doxxing campaign, Aaron and Divya band together to protect themselves and their families.

Wonder todos somos unicos

"Una historia deliciosa, sencilla y amable que ilustra la importancia de la diversidad y la importancia de aceptar a los dem??s tal como son. En un mundo en el que elbullyingentre los j??venes se est?? convirtiendo en una verdadera epidemia, los libros de la serie "Wonder" ofrecen una nueva visi??n refrescante, necesaria y esperanzadora." -- various websites.

The book of Otto and Liam

"May and Otto Barnes have a perfect life: she an engineer, he a freelance artist, new friends in a new town, and a bright, 8 year-old boy. But their world is shattered when their son is wounded in a school shooting and his best friend killed, and, while Liam fights for life, hoaxers begin to harass Otto, trying to force him to admit the shooting never happened. Desperate to stop them, Otto tries to track down the lead hoaxer, a mysterious, hard to find woman named Kate. Intercut with Otto's drawings, texts and letters from hoaxers and benevolent nuns, and interactions with doctors, nurses, and Detective Sawyer, Liam's fight for life and Otto's quest wind to a stunning conclusion"--Provided by publisher.

Preventing sexual assault and harassment

"This book takes a close look at the issues of sexual violence and harassment and provides information on what you can do to make yourself, your friends, and your community safer . . . from the legal framework for fighting harassment to bystander intervention tips, and from safe-dating strategies to understanding sexual abuse"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Preventing sexual assault and harassment

Dealing with dating and romance

"This book will introduce you to key concepts like consent, provide advice about how to date safely, share information about what a healthy relationship is and how to build one, and offer counsel about getting out of relationships that are violent or toxic"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Dealing with dating and romance

Coping with sexual violence and harassment

Explores the impact of sexual violence or harassment on victims, and discusses how to get started on the way to recovery, from reporting an incident to long-term strategies for self-care.
Cover image of Coping with sexual violence and harassment

Women's rights at work

This insightful resource highlights some of the challenges, such as lower pay, fewer promotions, and sexual harassment, that women have faced in the past and present.
Cover image of Women's rights at work

Stopping verbal bullying

Examines the harmful effects of bullying and verbal abuse in schools, and offers suggestions to help students develop confidence and strength to overcome.

Cyber Bullying

a prevention curriculum for grades 3-5


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