Blackaby, Susan

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Alexander Hamilton

his life, our history
Chronicles the life and career of of Alexander Hamilton, who was one of America's founding fathers, the first Secretary of the Treasury and right-hand man to President George Washington.

Let's play soccer

everything you need to know for your first practice
"How do you score goals? What do I wear to a game? Who is going to be on my team? How can I get better outside of practice? Soccer can be complicated, but this . . . book has . . . the information a kid needs before kicking (or blocking) a goal. Filled with diagrams, . . . photos, and even practice tips, it helps young athletes prepare for their first season and understand the most important elements of their sport"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Let's play soccer

Let's play baseball

everything you need to know for your first practice
"Baseball can be complicated, but this . . . book has all the information a kid needs before picking up a bat or fielding a ball. Filled with diagrams, . . . photos, and even practice tips, it helps young athletes prepare for their first season and understand the most important elements of their sport"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Let's play baseball

The missing tooth

Kim has a bad morning when she wakes up late and loses a tooth, but the next morning she feels much better.

Allie's bike

After putting on safety gear, Allie is ready to learn to ride her new bicycle.


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