determination (personality trait)

Topical Term
determination (personality trait)

The conference of the birds

A large flock of birds gathers in sorrow because they have been deprived of a king for so long and then they embark on an adventure, in which, they must overcome fears, physical hardships, and inner weakness, to reach their King.

The little engine that could

A little blue engine comes to the rescue of a train that is loaded with toys, dolls, and good things to eat, but cannot get over the mountains to deliver the cargo to waiting children.

The call of the wild

with a discussion of perserverance
A simplified, abridged version of the story of a dog that eventually becomes the leader of a wolf pack, accompanied by a short biography of Jack London and an essay focusing on the story's lessons of determination.

Hooray Jos?e!

Because he is such a short mouse, Jos?e is never picked to play basketball, but his determination to play well and a lot of practice get him on the team and give him the ability to step in when the star player is injured the day of the playoffs.

Darius, the lonely gargoyle

When Devin, a crippled boy, attempts to defy gravity by providing the means for a gargoyle to fly, his 800-year-old stone friend rewards him unexpectedly.

The too-tight tutu

will practice make Merry perfect?

Ambrose and the cathedral dream

Ambrose, a young mouse, must put aside his daydreaming in order to master the art of somersaulting and to help complete the building of the grand cathedral.

Eliza Bing is (not) a big, fat quitter

After learning she cannot take a cake decorating class with her best friend, partly because her parents consider her a quitter, eleven-year-old Eliza tries to prove herself by sticking with a taekwondo class all summer.

Cindy Moo

After hearing the famous nursery rhyme, the Diddle herd decides it is impossible for a cow to jump over the moon, but Cindy Moo is determined to discover how it can be done.

Smudge and the book of mistakes

a Christmas story
In Ireland in the Middle Ages, young Brother Cuthbert, known for making mistakes and giving up easily, is chosen through a miscommunication to serve as scribe for an illuminated manuscript of the Nativity story, through which the Abbot hopes to make the monastery famous.


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