Sileo, Frank J.

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Blossom and Bud

Blossom and Bud, who live in Mr. Baxter's flower shop, are embarrassed and sometimes teased about their appearance, but her unusual height and his being a late-bloomer are perfect for one special occasion.

Did you hear?

a story about gossip
"Gives examples of serious and silly gossip, leading to what hurtful gossip feels like, how it is like bullying, and what to do to stop it"--.

Bee heartful

spread loving-kindness
"Bentley the bee sends loving-kindness thoughts to others throughout his day, even when they are unkind to him, then teaches his friends how to practice this meditation technique themselves"--Provided by publisher.

Toilet paper flowers

a story for children about Crohn's disease
A young girl named Julia tells her new friend, Nikki, that she has Crohn's disease and explains what the condition is like, describing its symptoms and management and showing that, while she has to make sure she takes good care of her health, she can still play like other kids.

Bee calm

the buzz on yoga
Illustrations and rhyming text tell of Bentley the bee who, while buzzing around the garden, sees his friends in strange positions and learns why each practices yoga. Includes note for parents.

Bee still

an invitation to meditation
Illustrations and rhyming text tell of Bentley, a bee from a busy, crowded, and noisy hive who teaches others to meditate in order to handle stress. Includes note for parents.
Cover image of Bee still

A world of pausabilities

an exercise in mindfulness
"Children (and adults) live in a fast-paced, demanding and stressful world. It is often difficult to slow-down our children's minds and bodies. This book was written to teach children to take a pause in their lives, to stop activity, to understand quiet time, and to think about what they are doing and where they are going"--Provided by publisher.

Sally Sore Loser

a story about winning and losing
After having her classmates walk away from her during a soccer game at recess because she hogs the ball, is bossy, and cares only about winning, Sally gets some good advice from her teacher and her mother. Includes note to parents.
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