politics and government

Topical Term
politics and government

Mamphela Ramphele

challenging Apartheid in South Africa
A biography of Mamphela Ramphele, a woman who, as a medical doctor, teacher, anthropologist, and advisor to the Mandela government, challenged the racial and gender-based inequities in South Africa.

Kweisi Mfume

congressman and NAACP leader
Follows the life of the current president of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People from the gang-plagued streets of Baltimore, Maryland, to his position of leadership in Congress and among the African-American community.

Henry Cisneros

Mexican-American leader
A biography of the Mexican-American mayor of San Antonio, Texas, who became the first Hispanic mayor of a major United States city in 1981.

The Kurds

Presents a historical background on the Kurds while looking at controversies surrounding the group's treatment by Iraq and Turkey and whether the Kurds should be granted an independent state, and features four personal narratives.

The Rwanda genocide

Presents twelve essays that argue opposing points on the 1994 genocide in Rwanda, covering its causes, the world's reaction, and the country's rebuilding, and includes an introductory overview, a chronology, and a further reading list.


region under siege
Presents background information on the Kurds and examines the history of their ethnic conflict with other peoples in the mountainous regions of southeastern Asia.

Sri Lanka

war-torn island
A history of the ethnic conflict on Sri Lanka, including current issues.

The U.S. Latino community

A collection of essays that provides varying perspectives on issues concerning the Latino community in the United States, covering how it is perceived, immigration attitudes and policies, political power, education, and more.

Dark days, bright nights

from Black power to Barack Obama
Argues that the civil rights movement of the 1950s and 1960s, particularly the period after 1965, laid the foundations for Barack Obama's 2009 presidential inauguration, highlighting the policies, people, and events that led to a new wave of African-American leadership in the United States.


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