Peterson, Scott

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Truckus Maximus

"'The Game' is Truckus Maximus, a competition where drivers race against one another toward victory--or disaster. The best of the best is a young driver named Axl. The leader of Team Apollo, Axl drives hard and lies by a strict moral code. That code will be tested to its limits by the Caesar--the cunning ruler of the Roman Empire--and the Dominus, the absolute master of the Truckus Maximus games who can change its rules at will. But Axl can't survive this race on his own. To do that, he'll have to embrace his team, including a defiant new racer named Piston. Will he learn that family is more important than honor or the Game? Or will he go down in flames?"--Back cover.
Cover image of Truckus Maximus


"When Dani and her big brother Mike find themselves aboard the ill-fated river expedition of careless adventurer, Captain Kevin, they must work together to save themselves and the captain from all manner of deadly trials and traps"--OCLC.
Cover image of Shipwreckers!

The book of Doof

how to find an archnemesis and other evil advice
Dr. Doofenshmirtz provides advice and strategies for catching an archnemesis and being evil. Includes two comics.
Cover image of The book of Doof

Agent P's guide to fighting evil

A humorous spy guide full of top secret spy tips, jokes, activites, comics, and more.
Cover image of Agent P's guide to fighting evil

The Joker virus

The Joker has created a virus that infects the latest videogame craze, and turns players into zombies--but in order to defeat him Batman must first discover where he is hiding with the kidnapped creator of the videogame.
Cover image of The Joker virus

The strength of the wolf is the pack

Raised in the jungle, Mowgli, a man-cub, survives with his adoptive wolf family and other beloved animal friends while outmaneuvering the vicious tiger, Shere Khan.

Splashtacular cartoon tales

Retells three aquatic Disney tales in comic book format: "Finding Nemo," "The Little Mermaid," and "Atlantis: The Lost Empire.".

Learn to draw Disney Phineas and Ferb

Provides step-by-step instructions for learning to draw Phineas and Ferb characters in a range of poses and various expressions.

Disney out of this world cartoon tales

Retellings of Lilo & Stitch, Peter Pan, and Treasure planet that are part storybook, part comic book.


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