Fern?ndez-Armesto, Felipe

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a global history of exploration
Chronicles the history of world exploration over the course of five thousand years, showing how human groups, spread throughout the world, converged and exchanged culture, and looking at specific explorers and their expeditions.

Near a thousand tables

a history of food
Explores eight milestones in the cultural and culinary history of food, including the origins of cooking, the ritualization of eating, the inception of herding, the invention of agriculture, the rise of the class system, food trade, ecological exchanges, and the industrialization and globalization of food.


a history of the last thousand years
Chronicles historical events of the world between the years 1005 and 1995 by offering two perspectives--one that gives a broad overview of events and another that details the personal experiences of people.


the man who gave his name to America
Presents a biography of Florentine explorer, Amerigo Vespucci, and describes the adventures and exploits of the man for whom the New World was named.


the man who gave his name to America
Presents a biography of Florentine explorer, Amerigo Vespucci, and describes the adventures and exploits of the man for whom the New World was named.

Ideas that changed the world

Explains and analyzes over 175 of the key historical and philosophical ideas that have shaped the world since the origins of civilization, and includes illustrations, cross-references, and suggestions for further reading.
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