
Geographic Name

Disappearing act

After their archaeologist mother fails to return from Mexico and they discover that someone is stalking their Albuquerque house, twelve-year-old Kevin and his opera-singing older sister flee to Venice, California, where they hope that new identities will keep them safe.

The wedding dress mess

a story
When Filomena, the best seamstress in Italy, finally gets to create a wedding dress for herself, things do not turn out the way she had dreamed.

The Seal Island seven

When Pru and her friends find out that someone on the island is destroying fairy houses, they set out to find the culprit.

The jungle book

The adventures of a young boy raised and protected by the animals of the jungle.

Madlenka's dog

Madlenka wants a dog and doesn't care what kind it is, so long as she can put it on a leash and walk it around the block, but when her parents say no, Madlenka must use her imagination.

The warlord's beads

A young Chinese boy helps his father count the warlord's vast treasures by using beads threaded on a branch. Includes a brief history of the abacus and instructions for making one.

The stranger next door

A clever cat's heroism helps two twelve-year-old boys become friends after their families, one of which is in a witness protection program, move to neighboring houses in Hilltop, Washington.

How I became an American

In 1902, ten-year-old Johann and his family, Germans who had been living in Austria-Hungary, board a ship to immigrate to Youngstown, Ohio, where they make a new life as Americans.

Ghosts of the Civil War

The ghost of Willie, President Abraham Lincoln's older son, transports Lindsey back to his own time, where she sees and hears many things from both sides of the Civil War. Includes passages from contemporary documents, a glossary, biographical sketches, and a bibliography.


Tells the story of a young girl from the Swiss Alps whose life takes a dramatic turn when she must go to live in the city, leaving behind her grandfather and the mountains she loves.


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