Sowell, Thomas

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Discrimination and disparities

Explores the disparities in opportunities for minorities in the United states, discussing assumptions and solutions that may not be possible.

Wealth, poverty and politics

"In Wealth, Poverty, and Politics, Dr. Thomas Sowell of the Hoover Institution, Stanford University, examines the reasons for large differences in income and wealth between nations and among groups within nations. A wide range of geographic, demographic, cultural, and political factors are examined, not to find a single factor or a single combination of factors that will explain all economic differences, but to show how particular combinations of factors limit or expand the possibilities for specific nations and peoples at specific times and places. Dr. Sowell also examines some popular explanations of these differences and shows why they will not stand up under scrutiny. In doing so, he takes on some of the reigning titans of the redistributionist movement-including John Rawls, Thomas Piketty, Paul Krugman, and Joseph Stiglitz-and shows how a remarkable number of their claims cannot withstand plain common sense, expressed in plain English"

Basic economics

a citizens guide to the economy


philosophy and economics
Provides a step-by-step introduction to Marxian theories.

Choosing a college

a guide for parents and students

Civil rights

rhetoric or reality?

Conquests and cultures

an international history

Basic economics

a citizen's guide to the economy

Intellectuals and society

Discusses the influence of intellectuals on modern society, arguing that their impact on policies flows through their shaping of public opinion rather than their affect on powerful leaders, and examines the incentives and constraints from which intellectuals' views emerge and cases in which they have been grossly mistaken with regard to societal problems.


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