Explore the many ways in which your everyday food choices can determine your well being and it also includes facts, figures, and data that is packed with useful information about protecting and improving your health.
Traces the pellagra epidemic that spread throughout the American South a century ago, drawing on real-life cases to describe its physical and cultural impact as well as related medical reports, news articles and scientific investigations.
An account of the mysterious disease called pellagra that spread across the American South in the early 1900s that made people weak, disfigured, and insane and sometimes caused their deaths; and discusses how doctors and public health officials found the cause of the illness and stopped the epidemic.
Contains twenty-six essays that feature diverse opinions on issues related to malnutrition, and discusses the seriousness of the problem, possible causes of malnutrition, government responsibility, potential solutions, and other related topics.
Describes the contemporary paradox of hunger and malnutrition in the United States, one of the richest countries in the world. Also discusses some solutions to eliminate this problem including government programs and public education.
A simple explanation of our bodies' nutritional needs, specifically discussing vitamins, minerals, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and water, as well as the diseases caused by a lack of these nutrients.