medical innovations

Topical Term
medical innovations

Medical pioneers

Medical progress of the twentieth century is engagingly presented here. From the creation of antibiotics to chemotherapy, this book highlights our medical achievements and the lives of key figures that helped it all come to fruition. Uplifting stories include that of Christiaan Barnard, the South African heart transplant pioneer.

Sick, nasty medical practices

Describes a variety of nonconventional medical practices, such as bloodletting, lobotomies, vibratory chairs, and others.

Health and medicine

Discusses possibilities for the future in the field of medicine based on new ways to fight disease and conquer pain already in progress.

Re-creating medicine

ethical issues at the frontiers of medicine
Examines a variety of ethical issues related to the future of medicine, including gene therapy, cloning, the sale of human body parts, and experiments on human embryos; and argues that outmoded ethics are proving to be an impediment to progress in the field of medicine.

Medical dilemmas

Presents ethical and moral dilemmas relating to animal research, gene therapy, transplants, AIDS, mercy killing, and other controversial medical areas.

The illustrated timeline of medicine

This illustrated narrative spans the history of medicine, from the prehistoric trepanning of skulls to modern microsurgery. It includes a comprehensive timeline as well as informative, detail-rich sections on traditional, complementary, and alternative medicine. The future of medicine, medical research, and treatments are engagingly presented.

Medical marvels

a chapter book
Presents four true stories about people who have overcome extreme medical problems, including the Mohamed and Ahmed Ibrahim, twins joined at the head who were successfully separated in 2003, and Christopher Reeve, the actor who regained some motor and sensory function five years after an accident left him a quadriplegic.

Cutting-edge medicine

Explores the history of medicine and examines various medical advances, such as transplants, gene therapy and doping, designer babies, stem cells, and nanomedicine.

Medical breakthroughs

Examines various medical breakthoughs including the discovery of DNA, the first heart transplant, and mechanical limbs, written in graphic novel format.

Doctors did what?!

the weird history of medicine
Describes various medical practices and treatments throughout history that many now consider dangerous and ineffective.


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