Fromkin, David

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A peace to end all peace

the fall of the Ottoman Empire and the creation of the modern Middle East

Europe's last summer

who started the Great War in 1914?
Examines knowledge that has come to light since the 1960s in an attempt to understand the real reasons why World War I occurred.

Kosovo Crossing

The Reality of American Intervention in the Balkans

Kosovo crossing

American ideals meet reality on the Balkan battlefields
Uses the conflict in the former Yugoslavia as a lens through which to consider the questions of when, why, and how the United States should attempt to resolve crises overseas if they do not threaten the nation's physical security.

Europe's last summer

who started the Great War in 1914?
When war broke out in Europe in 1914, the European population was enjoying an exceptionally beautiful summer. But the peace did not last and seemingly, in an instant, Europe went from tranquility to war. But it was not in an instant. It had been building for centuries and the Sarajevo assassination of the heir to the Austrian-Hungarian throne was just the pull on the trigger that had been set long before, as far back as the fourth century, A. D. when the decision was made to divide the Roman Empire between the Latin-speaking west and the Greek-speaking east.
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