economic conditions

Geographic Name
economic conditions

Hillbilly elegy

a memoir of a family and culture in crisis
"Vance, a former marine and Yale Law School graduate, provides an account of growing up in a poor Rust Belt town that offers a broader, probing look at the struggles of America's white working class. The decline of this group, a demographic of our country that has been slowly disintegrating over forty years, has been reported on with growing frequency and alarm. J. D. Vance tells the true story of what a social, regional, and class decline feels like when you were born with it hung around your neck"--Provided by publisher.

The dressmaker of Khair Khana

five sisters, one remarkable family, and the woman who risked everything to keep them safe
Recounts the true story of Kamila Sidiqi, a woman who was forced to support herself and her five siblings after the Taliban seized control of the city of Kabul and her father and brothers fled the country.

The first measured century

Examines the twentieth century through the perspectives of social scientists whose statistical work measuring the lives of American citizens created successes, controversies, and failures. Includes interviews with Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan, Betty Friedan, Milton Freeman, and George Gallup Jr. among others.

Poverty, prosperity, and the minimum wage

"Anthology of diverse viewpoints exploring stagnating wages in the United States and how an increase to the federal minimum wage would affect workers and the economy"--Provided by publisher.


Saskatchewan is the only Canadian province with entirely manmade borders. It is home to rolling prairies, forests, and lakes. Discover more about this unique province in Saskatchewan.

Newfoundland and Labrador

Describes the environment, history, industry, tourist attractions, arts, sports, and cultures that make that region unique to Newfoundland and Labrador.

Am?rica del Sur

Con 979 metros, las Cataratas angelicales de Venezuela son la cascada m?s alta del mundo. Brasil cultiva m?s caf? que en cualquier otro lugar del mundo. M?s informaci?n en Am?rica del Sur. Combina im?genes impresionantes con hechos interesantes para ofrecer una visi?n de la tierra, la econom?a y la historia de cada continente.


Asia cubre casi un tercio de la tierra en la Tierra. El sesenta por ciento de la poblaci?n mundial vive en Asia. M?s informaci?n en Asia. Combina im?genes impresionantes con hechos interesantes para ofrecer una visi?n de la tierra, la econom?a y la historia de cada continente.


Australia es el continente m?s peque?o del mundo. Tiene aproximadamente el mismo tama?o que los Estados Unidos. La Gran Barrera de Coral de Australia tiene m?s de 1.500 millas (2.500 kil?metros) de coral. M?s informaci?n en Australia. Combina im?genes impresionantes con hechos interesantes para ofrecer una visi?n de la tierra, la econom?a y la historia de cada continente.

New Brunswick

Describes the environment, history, industry, tourist attractions, arts, sports, and cultures that make that region unique to New Brunswick.


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