juvenile nonfiction / social science / politics & government

Topical Term
juvenile nonfiction / social science / politics & government

Human rights

"Human Rights: Opposing Viewpoints is the leading source for libraries and classrooms in need of current-issue materials. The viewpoints are selected from a wide range of highly respected sources and publications"--.

What are the three branches of the government?

and other questions about-- the U.S. Constitution
Introduces facts about the United States Constitution and Bill of Rights.

The US Congress for kids

over 200 years of lawmaking, deal-breaking, and compromising, with 21 activities
"With a focus on dramatic stories, personalities, and turning points, and accompanied by educational, hands-on activities, The US Congress for Kids helps children understand how the government functions and why it matters"--Provided by publisher.


A collection of essays offering differing prespectives about the issues and questions regarding Medicare, including if there are problems with Medicare spending, if doctors are dropping out of Medicare, will the Patient Protection and Affortable Care Act improve Medicare, and how can Medicare's problems be solved.

Congressional ethics

A collection of twenty-six articles that present opposing viewpoints on the topic of Congressional ethics.

Developing nations

Examines the challenges facing developing nations including hunger, infectious diseases, environmental damage, global recession, democracy, foreign aid, and more.

Postpartum depression

An introduction to postpartum depression, explaining what it is, and discussing its diagnosis, controversies, and personal experiences.

Health care

Offers students an overview of various health care related topics, including health care reform and its impact on the economy, unemployment, and taxes, the controversy surrounding universal health care, the problems with the American health care system, health care costs, proposed reforms, and other related topics.


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