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La tierra de las grullas

Papi le cont?? la historia desde antes que su familia emigrara a Los ??ngeles huyendo de la guerra del narcotr??fico en M??xico: le dijo a Betita que ellos y el resto de su familia son grullas que han regresado a su tierra prometida. Pero un d??a Papi es arrestado por el Servicio de Control de Inmigraci??n y Aduanas y deportado a M??xico. Betita y su mam??, que est?? esperando un beb??, se quedan solas. Muy pronto ellas tambi??n son detenidas y deben aprender a sobrevivir en un centro de detenci??n de inmigrantes. La fortaleza de Betita y sus compa??eros en busca de asilo vuela por encima del odio que los mantiene enjaulados, pero que amenaza cada d??a con hacerlos caer m??s bajo de lo jam??s imaginaron. ??Podr??n estas familias volver a estar juntas alguna vez?.

Efr?n divided

"While his father works two jobs, seventh-grader Efr?n Nava must take care of his twin siblings, kindergartners Max and Mia, after their mother is deported to Mexico. Includes glossary of Spanish words"--Provided by publisher.

The sun is also a star

College-bound romantic Daniel Bae and Jamaica-born pragmatist Natasha Kingsley meet, and fall for each other, over one magical day amidst the fervor and flurry of New York City. Sparks immediately fly between these two strangers, who might never have met had fate not given them a little push. But will fate be enough to take these teens from star-crossed to lucky in love?.


New York City high school student Mateo dreams of becoming a Broadway star, but his life is transformed after his parents are deported to Mexico.
Cover image of Indivisible

Coping with the threat of deportation

"A book for teens about coping with the threat of deportation from the United States"--Provided by publisher.

US Immigration and Customs Enforcement

This title explores the controversy surrounding the federal agency tasked with enforcing US immigration laws. It details the history of this agency and the ways policy changes have affected both people immigrating to the United States and immigration enforcement officers.

The book of Rosy

a mother's story of separation at the border
"From a mother whose children were taken from her at the U.S. border by the American government in 2018 and another mother who helped reunite the family, a . . . story about the immigration odyssey, family separation and reunification, and the power of individuals to band together to overcome even the most cruel and unjust circumstances"--Provided by publisher.

Land of the cranes

Nine-year-old Betita and her parents fled Mexico after her uncle was killed by the cartels, and settled in Los Angeles seeking political asylum and safety in what her father calls Aztlan, the land of the cranes; but now they have been swept up by by the government's Immigration Customs Enforcement, her father deported back to Mexico, and Betita and her mother confined in a family detention camp--Betita finds heart in her imagination and the picture poems her father taught her, but each day threatens to further tear her family apart.

The Dreamers and DACA

"The establishment of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program was enacted in 2012 by President Barack Obama via executive order. It was created to shield eligible undocumented young people from the threat of deportation for a two-year renewable period. It also allows them obtain a social security number and a driver's license, work legally, and qualify for in-state college tuition in their state of residence. It does not, however, offer participants a path to citizenship. Despite the help DACA has given Dreamers, because the program was established via executive order rather than legislative action, some Americans believe it is unconstitutional"--.

Efr?n divided

"While his father works two jobs, seventh-grader Efr?n Nava must take care of his twin siblings, kindergartners Max and Mia, after their mother is deported to Mexico. Includes glossary of Spanish words"--Provided by publisher.


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