economic aspects

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economic aspects

Gaming and professional sports teams

Examines how professional sports teams are making investments in e-Sports in an effort to capitalize on the growing trend.
Cover image of Gaming and professional sports teams

Evaluating arguments about technology

"Is constant access to technology safe for children? Should driverless vehicles replace human-controlled cars? Every day, we hear arguments about technology issues in the media. This book gives readers the tools to make sense of and evaluate some of these arguments. Using three relatable and accessible technology-related examples, this book introduces readers to the parts of an effective argument and prompts them to use the knowledge they have gained to evaluate the effectiveness of arguments on opposing sides of the issues"--Provided by publisher.

Evaluating arguments about technology

Is constant access to technology safe for children? Should driverless vehicles replace human-controlled cars? Every day, we hear arguments about technology issues in the media. This book gives readers the tools to make sense of and evaluate some of these arguments. Using three relatable and accessible technology-related examples, this book introduces readers to the parts of an effective argument and prompts them to use the knowledge they have gained to evaluate the effectiveness of arguments on opposing sides of the issues.

The big nine

how the tech titans and their thinking machines could warp humanity
We like to think that we are in control of the future of "artificial" intelligence. The reality, though, is that we?the everyday people whose data powers AI?aren't actually in control of anything. When, for example, we speak with Alexa, we contribute that data to a system we can't see and have no input into?one largely free from regulation or oversight. The big nine corporations?Amazon, Google, Facebook, Tencent, Baidu, Alibaba, Microsoft, IBM and Apple?are the new gods of AI and are short-changing our futures to reap immediate financial gain. In this book, Amy Webb reveals the pervasive, invisible ways in which the foundations of AI?the people working on the system, their motivations, the technology itself?is broken. Within our lifetimes, AI will, by design, begin to behave unpredictably, thinking and acting in ways which defy human logic. The big nine corporations may be inadvertently building and enabling vast arrays of intelligent systems that don't share our motivations, desires, or hopes for the future of humanity. Much more than a passionate, human-centered call-to-arms, this book delivers a strategy for changing course, and provides a path for liberating us from algorithmic decision-makers and powerful corporations.

The forgotten Americans

an economic agenda for a divided nation
"An . . . account of a disenfranchised American working class and important policy solutions to the nation's economic inequalities. One of the country's leading scholars on economics and social policy, [the author] addresses the enormous divisions in American society--economic, cultural, and political--and what might be done to bridge them"--OCLC.

Are we screwed?

how a new generation is fighting to survive climate change
A book on climate change geared towards Millenials who are in grave positions to help sustain the planet.

The climate change crisis

Readers learn how our world is being affected and how they can play a role in minimizing the damage.

The economics of clean energy

"This volume looks at the various alternative energy sources and their economic viability, exploring the debate about which path forward makes the most sense. Readers will gain a better understanding of the crossroads facing policymakers and the energy sector and be empowered to form their own opinions about how this . . . issue should be addressed"--Provided by publisher.

The war on normal people

the truth about America's disappearing jobs and why universal basic income is our future
Argues that with the rise of technology and artificial intelligence, human jobs are in serious jeopardy--the effects of which are already being seen. Looks specifically at the current state of factory jobs, which has seen massive declines in human productivity in lieu or using robotics and small teams of computer engineers. Decides that this trend will only continue and that a basic solution is universal basic income, in which the government provides all adult citizens with $1,000/month.
Cover image of The war on normal people

The robots are coming!

the future of jobs in the age of automation
The author examines the rise of automation in the workforce by traveling the world and experiencing some of the most modern, tech-run facilities that have largely replaced the human workforce to become almost fully automated. Explores the future of human resources and how robotics and high-tech artificial intelligence are replacing manual workers, and discusses what we can do to keep humans in the loop.
Cover image of The robots are coming!


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