Leiter, Richard A

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National survey of state laws

Discusses and compares laws from differenc states including, but not limited to: Business and consumer, Criminal law, Education law, Employment law, Family law, Civil law, Real Estate and Tax laws.

National survey of state laws

Resource guide to state laws including business and consumer laws, criminal laws, education laws, employment laws, family laws, general civil laws, real estate laws, and tax laws.

National survey of state laws

Provides an overall view of some of the most-asked about and controversial legal topics. Presented in chart format, this reference allows users to make basic state-by-state comparisons of current state laws. Subjects include: business and consumer laws, criminal laws, education laws, employment laws, family laws, civil laws, real estate laws, and tax laws.

National survey of state laws

Contains charts that provide state-by-state comparisons of laws in the United States, covering business and consumer, criminal, education, employment, family, civil, real estate,and tax laws.

Landmark Supreme Court cases

the most influential decisions of the Supreme Court of the United States
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