children's poetry, guatemalan

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children's poetry, guatemalan

Aq??u era el par??aso

selecc??in de poemas de Humberto Ak'abal
"A collection of poetry by one of the greatest Indigenous poets of the Americas about the vanished world of his childhood -- that of the Maya K'iche'. Aq??u era el par??aso / Here Was Paradise is a selection of poems written by the great Maya poet Humberto Ak'abal. They evoke his childhood in and around the Maya K'iche' village of Momostenango, Guatemala, and also describe his own role as a poet of the place. Ak'abal writes about children, and grandfathers, and mothers, and animals, and ghosts, and thwarted love, and fields, and rains, and poetry, and poverty, and death. The poetry was written for adults but can also be read and loved by young people, especially in this collection, beautifully illustrated by award-winning Guatemalan-American illustrator Amelia Lau Carling. Ak'abal is famous worldwide as one of the great contemporary poets in the Spanish language, and one of the greatest Indigenous poets of the Americas. Ak'abal created and wrote his poems first in K'iche', then translated them into Spanish."--.

Out of the dump

writings and photographs by children from Guatemala
A compilation of poems with photographs by children who live in the municipal dump in Guatemala City.
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