indians of mexico

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indians of mexico

The bravest flute

a story of courage in the Mayan tradition
In a traditional New Year's Day celebration, a young Mayan boy leads a procession over the mountainous trail to the cathedral below, where he is rewarded by the village elders for his fortitude.

Montezuma and the fall of the Aztecs

Traces the life of the last emperor to rule the Aztec empire in Central America before it was conquered by the Spaniards.

The legend of food mountain

An Aztec legend recounting how a giant red ant helped the ancient god, Quetzalcoatl, bring corn to the first, hungry people of the earth.

The woman who outshone the sun

the legend of Lucia Zenteno = La mujer que brillaba a?n m?s que el sol : la leyenda de Lucia Zenteno
Retells the Zapotec legend of Lucia Zenteno, a beautiful woman with magical powers who is exiled from a mountain village and takes its water away in punishment.

The mythology of Mexico and Central America

Discusses the mythology from Indians of various regions of Mexico and Central America, describing origins, comparing the similar tales, and presenting some of the myths themselves.


Examines the Aztec civilization and includes instructions for craft projects.

You wouldn't want to be an Aztec sacrifice!

gruesome things you'd rather not know
A humorous and gory look at the ancient Aztec tradition of sacrificing enemy warriors to the gods.

The Aztecs

Explains the various elements of the Aztecs, including their history, daily life, religion, cooking and eating, trading and transportation, and more.

The Aztec empire

Presents an introduction to the Aztec Empire, and follows the history of archaeological discovery and what has been learned about the society, religion, military, education system, and other aspects of the civilization.

Aztecs & Incas

a guide to the pre-colonized Americas in 1504
Using a travel guide format, describes the Aztec and Inca civilizatons in 1504, including their clothing, food, dwellings, sports, religion, and other aspects of daily life.


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