indians of mexico

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indians of mexico

The Maya

Surveys and cultural development and intellectual achievements of the most advanced civilization in the aboriginal New World.

Facts and artifacts of ancient Middle America

a glossary of terms and words used in the archaeology and art history of pre-Columbian Mexico and Central America
A glossary of terms and words used in the archaeology and art history of pre-Columbian Mexico and Central America.

Benito Ju?arez, President of Mexico

Presents the life of the Zapotec Indian who officially became president of Mexico in 1861, instituted many reforms, and led his country in a war of independence.

Maya, Aztecs and Incas

Looks at the cultures of the Maya, Aztecs and Incas, focusing on language, clothing, diet, and other topics.

Our awesome ancient ancestors

Describes achievements and innovations of the ancient native peoples of all of North America, from growing corn and playing ball games to creating number systems and building such cities as Teotihuac?an and Cahokia.

The Aztecs under Spanish rule

a history of the Indians of the Valley of Mexico, 1519-1810
Examines social, religious, and cultural aspects as well as economic policies as seen in agriculture, trade, finance, labor, and the division of land.

The flame of peace

a tale of the Aztecs
To prevent the outbreak of war, a young Aztec boy must outwit nine evil lords of the night to obtain the flame of peace from Lord Morning Star.

How we came to the fifth world =

C?mo vinimos al quinto mundo
An Aztec myth recounting the creation and destruction of the world by the deities of the four great elements.


from the Olmecs to the Aztecs
An illustrated history of the pre-Spanish civilizations of Mexico, beginning with the early hunters and continuing through the Aztecs; covering early village life, the rise of Olmec civilization, archaeological findings, Aztec society, and other topics.

Empires in the Americas

a journey back in time
Highlights the parallels between the two great American societies of the Aztecs and the Incas, which both fell prey to the Spanish conquistadors of the sixteenth century. Includes animated re-creations of mysterious lost cities such as Tenochtitl?n and Machu Picchu.


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