Elmer, Robert

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Far from the storm

After World War II, Peter and Elise seek to discover who is trying to destroy Uncle Morten for his work with the Danish Underground.

Race to Wallaby Bay

A desperate letter from his grandfather prompts Patrick McWaid and his family to return to Boomerang Bend, where the Lady Elisabeth still rests on the bottem of the river.

Dingo Creek Challenge

In late nineteenth-century Australia, as tension mounts between white settlers and a band of aborigines at Dingo Creek, thirteen-year-old Patrick takes sides when he helps teach the aborigines to play cricket.

Rescue at Boomerang Bend

In Australia in 1868, twelve-year-old Patrick, continues to search for his missing father, who has been convicted of a crime he did not commit and has been forced into hiding out in the bush.

Captive at Kangaroo Springs

In Australia, having settled with their family in a kind but mysterious riverboat captain's shantyhouse, twelve-year-old Patrick and his older sister Becky, are captured by bushrangers.

The Zero-G headache

When Zero-G, a hot new space-rock boy band, arrives at the space station, the AstroKids learn a valuable lesson about hospitality.

Digital disaster

When twelve-year-olds Austin and Ashley Webster are accidentally scanned into the Internet, they must follow the most unlikely links to survive, and to make it back home.

Spam alert

After jumping inside the World Wide Web, Austin and Drew try to hide from Mr. Z, who wants to wipe out truth on the internet. Ashley and Aunt Jessica try to mount a rescue, but they have their own menace...a tornado!.

Hack attack

Twelve-year-old Austin and Ashley Webster slip into the World Wide Web to research a school project and discover a frightening virus unleashed by a hacker.


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