
Geographic Name

Bowling, beatniks, and bell-bottoms

pop culture of 20th- and 21st-century America
Describes examples of the commerce, fashion, film and theater, food and drink, music, print works, sports and games, and other markers of popular culture in America during the 1920s and 1930s, and includes topical and alphabetized tables of contents and a chronology spanning 1900-2009.
Cover image of Bowling, beatniks, and bell-bottoms

Everything you need to know about American history homework

Provides fourth- to sixth-grade students and their parents with information they need to complete American history assignments, covering the Declaration of Independence, Westward Expansion, the Transcontinental Railroad, important inventions, and other topics.
Cover image of Everything you need to know about American history homework


50 shocking events you should know about (so you can impress your friends)
Presents the details of fifty scandals in American history between 1906 and 2000, including what happened, who was involved and what they had to say, and the effect on American culture and events.
Cover image of Scandalous!


Discusses Transylvania, describing the features that make it unique.
Cover image of Transylvania

Free at last!

stories and songs of Emancipation
Describes the experiences of African Americans in the South, from the Emancipation in 1863 to the 1954 Supreme Court decision that declared school segregation illegal.

I wonder why Romans wore togas and other questions about Rome

Questions and answers introduce the clothing, food, language, religion, and other aspects of daily life in Ancient Rome.

I wonder why stars twinkle and other questions about space

Answers questions about space such as, "Are stars star-shaped," "Which is the coldest planet," and "What is a black hole.".

Two miserable presidents

everything your schoolbooks didn't tell you about the Civil War
Describes all the issues and events--large, small, and even personal--that led up to the Civil War, covering the stories of the soldiers and statesmen involved.

Life in medieval Europe

fact and fiction
Explores what life was like in Europe during the Middle Ages covering such topics as eating and drinking, sex and love, hygiene, healthcare, crime and punishment, table manners, recreational activities, and more.
Cover image of Life in medieval Europe

Eating the sun

small musings on a vast universe
"An illustrated exploration of the principles, laws, and wonders that rule our universe, our solar system, our world, and our daily lives"---Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Eating the sun


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