TJ Trapper, bully zapper

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TJ zaps the smackdown

stopping physical bullying
There is a bully on the basketball team at school and he is physically attacking TJ's friend Ethan, so it is up to TJ and his guidance counselor father to find a solution to the problem that does not make the situation worse.

TJ zaps the rumor mill

stopping gossip
All kinds of embarrassing rumors are swirling around TJ's class and mostly he thinks they are pretty funny, until he becomes the target of the gossip--then he needs to find out who started the rumors, and why.

TJ zaps the one-upper

stopping one-upping and cell phone bullying
TJ's former best friend, Danny, has just returned from London, but TJ finds that he has changed--he is constantly one-upping everybody, and when he uses his cell phone to send an embarrassing picture of TJ to other kids Danny takes it one step too far.

TJ zaps the new kid

stopping a social bully
Livvy, the new girl at school, is a bully who ridicules the other children, and it is up to TJ and his guidance counselor father to work out a strategy that will improve her behavior--and save TJ's birthday party.

TJ zaps the freeze out

stopping the silent treatment
When Livvy chooses a goldfish as the class pet, some of the other children decide to freeze her out, and TJ has to choose between his friend and being frozen out himself--or find a way to make them see that their bullying behavior is wrong.

TJ zaps a nightmare

stopping blackmail bullying
When TJ cheats on a history test and gets chosen to represent his school in a contest, he feels horribly guilty; worse, he finds himself being blackmailed for money by one of his classmates.
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