During the Revolutionary War, fourteen-year-old Nathan joins forces with his older cousin, the inventor David Bushnell, to secretly build the first submarine used in naval warfare.
Using excerpts from diaries, letters, newspaper articles, and other primary sources, tells of the everyday lives of the soldiers who fought the Revolutionary War, for both the British and for the colonies.
Contains true stories and real quotes about the American Revolution not often found in formal history texts, and includes notes on the later lives of key figures in the conflict.
Describes what life was like in colonial America, and provides information about the causes of the Revolutionary War, an introduction to the Loyalists and the Patriots, and a look at how things changed once the conflict began.
Presents a short history of the American Revolution, and examines key events and battles, patriots such as Sam Adams and Patrick Henry, loyalists, British and French soldiers, and George Washington.
A young Hessian soldier questions his loyalty to his king after fighting with the British in America during the Revolutionary War and spending time as a prisoner in the home of a German American family from Pennsylvania.