
Geographic Name

The story of the pilgrims

Describes the story of the pilgrims, discussing why they came to America and how they came, lived, met Native Americans, and had their first Thanksgiving.
Cover image of The story of the pilgrims

The life of Paul Revere

Presents a short biography of American patriot, Paul Revere and describes how the colonial silversmith helped to further the cause of independence.

April morning

Fifteen-year-old Adam Cooper eagerly joins the action of the Revolutionary War, but when his father is killed by British soldiers one April morning, Adam is forced to confront the harsh realities of war.

The scarlet letter

Hester Prynne, condemned by Puritan law to wear the scarlet letter "A" for adultress, endures her ostracism with dignity, while her lover is tormented by the burden of an unexposed sin.

The bridesmaid

Having vowed as children never to marry after witnessing many disastrous weddings and obnoxious brides in their parents' wedding planning business, fifteen-year-old Abby is dismayed when her older sister Carol suddenly gets engaged and turns into "Bridezilla.".


Introduces the geography, animals, tourist sites, and other facts about the state in which Pilgrims came ashore in the year 1620.

A day in the life of Colonial silversmith Paul Revere

Relates, in graphic novel format, the story of Paul Revere, the Boston silversmith whose spying and midnight ride through the countryside gave the American colonies warning of the British attacks in the first battles of the American Revolution at Lexington and Concord, Massachusetts, in 1775.

The first Thanksgiving

Describes, in graphic novel format, the Pilgrims' arrival in Plymouth Bay, Massachusetts, their struggles to survive, their friendship with the Wampanoag Indians, and the celebration they shared with the Wampanoags when the worst of their struggles were over, which is known as the first Thanksgiving.

Black Civil War soldiers

the 54th Massachusetts Regiment
Briefly presents, in graphic novel format, the story of the African American soldiers in the 54th Massachusetts Regiment.

The true story of Paul Revere's ride

Retells the story of Paul Revere's ride, discussing the background of his ride and how some truths have been stretched through the years.


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