Trailblazers in science and technology

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Craig Venter

dissecting the genome
This book details the life and accomplishments of Craig Venter, explaining the advances that he has made in decoding and interpreting the genomes of humans and other living things.

The Curie family

exploring radioactivity
Profiles the lives and work of the Curie family, whose scientific breakthroughs in radioactivity during the twentieth century made them pioneers in this field.

Larry Page and Sergey Brin

information at your fingertips
Explores the lives and careers of Google creators Larry Page and Sergey Brin from their early lives to present day. Includes over twenty-five photographs, a chronology, a glossary, and sources of more information.

Nikola Tesla

harnessing electricity
A biography that recounts the life of scientist Nikola Tesla who helped develop the technology that harnessed alternating-current electricity.

Alfred Blalock, Helen Taussig, and Vivien Thomas

mending children's hearts
Three brilliant individuals from different backgrounds (a white male surgeon, white female physician, and African American male laboratory technician) combined their unique skills to revolutionize pediatric heart treatment in 1944. The success of the first "blue baby operation" catapulted these trailblazers to fame as pioneers in cardiac surgery. This volume takes readers along as three great minds labor, clash, and cooperate to save children's lives.
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