Way to be!

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Manners on the telephone

Teaches children the importance of proper etiquette while using a telephone.
Cover image of Manners on the telephone

Comportamiento y modales en la biblioteca

Offers instruction to children on how to behave in a library, and describes the proper treatment of library books. Presented in English and Spanish.
Cover image of Comportamiento y modales en la biblioteca

Being fair

a book about fairness
Explains that fairness is treating others as one would like to be treated and considering other people's feelings, and presents examples of fair behavior in a variety of situations.
Cover image of Being fair

Being a good citizen

Simple text and colorful illustrations present several ways to be a good citizen, such as shoveling a neighbor's sidewalk after it snows, picking up trash from the ground, and studying the history of one's country.

Being responsible

a book about responsibility
Discusses how to practice responsibility through simple acts such as keeping your good clothes clean, keeping your dog in your own yard, helping younger children cross the street safely, and wearing a helmet when riding a bike. Includes book and Internet resources for more information.

Being responsible

a book about responsibility
Explains that being responsible is doing the things one is supposed to do, every day; and presents several examples of responsible behavior.

Manners at school

Teaches children the importance of proper etiquette in school, with examples of how to respond to teachers, not look at other students' work, and share with others.

Being cooperative

Teaches children how to be cooperative, presenting examples of children behaving with cooperation at home, school, and elsewhere, and explains why it is important.

Being a good citizen

a book about citizenship
Simple text and colorful illustrations present several ways to be a good citizen, such as shoveling a neighbor's sidewalk after it snows, picking up trash from the ground, and studying the history of one's country.

Manners in the lunchroom

Teaches children the proper way to behave in the lunchroom, explaining how to use good manners so that everyone can have a safe, pleasant meal.


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