Person, Stephen

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Voodoo in New Orleans

Provides information about the Voodoo religion as practiced in New Orleans in the nineteenth century, and discusses the activities of so-called Voodoo queen Marie Laveau.


a cat with many names
Discusses how these powerful cats hunt for food, raise their young, and adapt to life across a multitude of terrains.

Roseate spoonbill

pretty in pink
Introduces young readers to the roseate spoonbill and looks at the efforts of biologist Jerry Lorenz and others to help protect this species.

Collared peccary

cactus eater
Introduces young readers to the collared peccary, and looks at the efforts of wildlife rescuer Lisa Bates and others to help rescue this species.

The coral reef

a giant city under the sea
Young readers learn about coral reefs, huge underwater colonies built by tiny animals called coral polyps, that are home to more than one million species of marine life.


tusk, tusk
Explores how researchers study walruses in Alaska and provides information on the animal's habitat, behavior, and survival methods.

Saving animals from fires

Introduces the individuals who risk their lives to rescue animals from fire and ash when disasters strike, and details numerous true stories about these rescues.

Saving animals after tornadoes

Discover the inspiring stories of rescuing organizations whose teams save pets and other animals.


super killer!
Provides information about malaria, a killer disease that has caused several plagues throughout history, discussing where it is found, how it spreads, the symptoms of the disease, the development of treatments, and the continuing fight to eradicate malaria.

Bubonic plague

the black death!
Provides information about bubonic plague, a killer disease that has caused several pandemics throughout history, discussing the discovery of the bacteria that causes the disease, how it spreads, and how it is treated.


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