
Geographic Name

Saving Marty

"When Lorenzo adopts a runt piglet destined for auction, an unexpected, life-changing friendship forms"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Saving Marty

Remember Valley Forge

patriots, Tories, and redcoats tell their stories
Combines letters, journal entries, reports, photographs, and maps to examine the Battle of Valley Forge from multiple perspectives, including those of a teenage soldier, a doctor, a farmer, and a spy.
Cover image of Remember Valley Forge

Nate expectations

When "E.T.: The Musical" closes, Nate reluctantly returns home to begin high school and, with his best friend, Libby, makes a project of turning Dickens' "Great Expectations" into a musical.
Cover image of Nate expectations

Poisonous pythons paralyze Pennsylvania

Ryan, Stephen and Heather find poisonous pythons in the swamps of Pennsylvania, and the pythons are on the move.

[Pei wo zou guo] 1793 =

Fever, 1793
Sixteen-year-old Matilda Cook, separated from her sick mother, learns about perseverance and self-reliance when she is forced to cope with the horrors of the yellow fever epidemic in Philadelphia in 1793.

Woods runner

From his 1776 Pennsylvania homestead, thirteen-year-old Samuel, who is a highly-skilled woodsman, sets out toward New York City to rescue his parents from the band of British soldiers and Native Americans who kidnapped them after slaughtering most of their community. Includes historical notes.

Trouble at the mines

Rosie and her family are caught up in the Arnot, Pennsylvania, mining strike of 1899-1900, led by the union organizer Mother Jones.

Eight days on planet Earth

"To the universe, eight days is a mere blip, but to Matty Jones, it may be just enough time to change his life. On the hot summer day Matty's dad leaves for good, a strange girl suddenly appears in the empty field next to the Jones farm--the very field in rural Pennsylvania where a spaceship supposedly landed fifty years ago. She is uniquely beautiful, sweet, and smart, and she tells Matty she's waiting for her spaceship to pick her up and return her to her home planet. Of course she is. Matty has heard a million impossible UFO stories for each of his seventeen years: the conspiracy theories, the wild rumors, the crazy belief in life beyond the stars. When he was a kid, he and his dad searched the skies and studied the constellations. But all of that is behind him. Dad's gone--but now there's Priya. She must be crazy--right? As Matty unravels the mystery of the girl in the field, he realizes there is far more to her than he first imagined. And if he can learn to believe in what he can't see: the universe, maybe the impossible is possible, after all"
Cover image of Eight days on planet Earth

The not-so-boring letters of private nobody

Seventh grader Oliver, a Civil War buff and weekend reenactor, is partnered with two misfits--Ella, who is on the verge of failing all her classes, and Kevin, who is Oliver's lunch companion--to create a documentary about the wartime experience of a Civil War contemporary, and while they conduct research in local historical societies, collaborate on a script, and edit the film, they discover secrets about their Pennsylvania soldier and learn how to be friends with each other.
Cover image of The not-so-boring letters of private nobody

William Penn

Examines the life of seventeenth-century Quaker, William Penn, discussing his clash with the English government over his religious beliefs, his request for land in the New World, and his establishment of the colony of Pennsylvania.
Cover image of William Penn


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