Reston, James

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A rift in the Earth

art, memory, and the fight for a Vietnam War memorial
Discusses the history of the creation of the Vietnam War memorial.

Warriors of God

Richard the Lionhearted and Saladin in the Third Crusade
Chronicles the lives of King Richard I of England and Sultan Saladin of Egypt and Syria, the twelfth-century rulers who fought each other in the final battle of the Third Crusade; includes discussion of the jihad against the Kingdom of Jerusalem, as well as Richard's homosexuality.
Cover image of Warriors of God

Our father who art in hell

Tells the story of Jim Jones and People Temple in Guyana and the events that led to the mass suicide of 913 members of People's Temple.

Fragile innocence

a father's memoir of his daughter's courageous journey

Dogs of God

Columbus, the Inquisition, and the defeat of the Moors
Recounts the events of 1492, during which King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella began the Spanish Inquisition in an attempt to consolidate their power on the Iberian peninsula and free themselves from the rule of the Vatican.

Collision at home plate

the lives of Pete Rose and Bart Giamatti
Portraits of the two men who took part in one of baseball's most traumatic episodes.


a life
Biography of Italian astronomer Galileo discussing his life, scientific discoveries, conflict with the Catholic Church, and inner personality.
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