Sawyer, Robert J

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The terminal experiment

Dr. Peter Hobson creates three electronic simulations of his own personality in order to test his theories of immortality and life after death, but things go awry when the three creations, one of them a killer, escape Hobson's computer into the worldwide electronic matrix.

WWW: Wonder

Caitlin Decter, a sixteen-year-old who discovered Webmind, a consciousness that spontaneously emerged from the World Wide Web and has helped humanity, races to protect it from the government after the Pentagon decides it needs to be eliminated.


Caitlin Decter befriends Webmind, an emerging consciousness on the Web that wants to learn more about Caitlin's world, but when Webmind attracts the attention of a top-secret government agency, Caitlin's life is put in danger as she tries to protect her friend.


Eighty-seven-year-old Dr. Sarah Halifax, the woman who decoded the first radio transmission from aliens nearly four decades earlier in 2009, is offered a chance to rollback time through an experimental rejuvenation procedure that would allow her to work on the just-received alien reply, but life gets complicated when she and her husband Don agree to the treatment, which works for him but not for her, leaving her with a twenty-five-year-old spouse.


Caitlin Decter, a young and attractive math genius who is blind, follows the pathways of the Internet in her mind, and when she receives an implant to restore her sight, she visualizes the World Wide Web all around her and realizes that a new intelligence lurks in the background.


Pierre Tardivel, a research biologist who has Huntington's disease, discovers an insurance company plot to eliminate clients who have potentially expensive health problems, while at the same time dealing with the knowledge that the child his wife Molly conceived through in-vitro fertilization may have been fathered by Nazi war criminal Ivan the Terrible.

Factoring humanity

A twenty-first-century scientist sacrifices her family life to decipher the strange signals coming from interstellar space, messages that show her how to build an extraordinary machine that allows one to travel via the mind.


In this sequel to Hominids, the Neanderthal physicist Ponder Boddit, a character you will never forget, returns to our world and to his relationship with geneticist Mary Vaughn, as cultural exchanges between the two Earths begin.


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