russia (federation)

Topical Term
russia (federation)

Marc Chagall

Examines the life and work of the Russian-born painter, describing and giving examples of his art.

Boris Yeltsin

man of the people
Traces the life of the Russian leader from his childhood on a collective farm through his education as a civil engineer to his election as the first President of the Russian republic in 1991.

Christmas in Russia

Describes in text and illustrations how Christmas is celebrated in Russia, and includes stories, songs, recipes, and craft projects.

The collapse of Communism in the Soviet Union

Contains essays and documents that combine to explain the decline and fall of the Soviet Union and its ruling party, and includes a timeline of key events, biographical profiles, a glossary, and an annotated bibliography.

Rudolf Nureyev

Presents a biography of professional dancer Rudolf Nureyev, and chronicles his impoverished childhood in Russia, early interest in the ballet, his defection from the Soviet Union,and his rise to stardom in the ballet.

Food culture in Russia and Central Asia

Provides an introduction to the food culture of Russia and Central Asia, discussing the historical and geographical factors that have shaped its foods, including information on the major ingredients, preparation, restaurants, special occasion foods, and Russian diet and nutrition. Includes recipes.

Vladimir Putin

Presents a brief biography of former KGB agent and president of Russia, Vladimir Putin, and discusses his childhood as the son of a laborer and his post-Soviet leadership.

Women in society

Photographs and text provide an historical overview of the experiences of women in Russian society, discussing their participation in various fields and profiling the lives of significant women.

Political reform leaders in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union

Profiles eight leaders for their attempts to introduce functional democracy in their respective countries: Andrei Sakharov, Alexander Dubcek, Boris Yeltsin, Mikhail Gorbachev, Vaclav Havel, Lech Walesa, Father Jerzy Popieluszko, and Pastor Laszlo Tokes.

Boris Yeltsin, first president of Russia

A biography of the Russian leader who was elected president in 1990.


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