political science

Topical Term
political science

Two treatises of government

in the former, the false principles and foundation of Sir Robert Filmer, and his followers are detected and overthrown; the latter is an essay concerning the true original, extent, and end of civil-government
Contains two writings by John Locke that discuss his theories on government and liberty.
Cover image of Two treatises of government

Two treatises of government

and A letter concerning toleration
Presents John Locke's seventeenth-century classic work on political and social theory; and includes a history of the text, as well as notes and a bibliography.
Cover image of Two treatises of government


A work of political philosophy addressing the idea that obedience to authority, especially in the form of a large bureaucracy such as the political state, is really just a natural response of human nature.
Cover image of Leviathan

The handy civics answer book

how to be a good citizen
"Answers to over 500 questions about how your federal and state governments work, including the history of the U.S. Constitution, an explanation of citizens' rights outlined in the Bill of Rights, explanations of the operations of the three branches of the U.S. government, U.S. Supreme Court history, a discussion of the Civil Rights Movement, and explanations of your rights and responsibilities as a U.S. citizen"--.
Cover image of The handy civics answer book

Ethics in politics

"Given their positions as representatives of the public, people tend to believe that elected officials and other politicians should be held to a high ethical standard. However, certain issues have raised concerns about whether politicians are truly acting in the public's best interest. This volume considers a number of ethical questions in the political sphere, including whether it is ethical for politicians to be influenced by corporations and organizations through lobbying and political donations, whether politicians should be able to financially benefit from their position, and the extent to which dishonesty has or has not become a significant issue in politics"--Publisher description.
Cover image of Ethics in politics

Washington, DC

From the rich history of the National Archives to the famous Lincoln Memorial, there's lots to see and do in Washington, DC.

The portable Hannah Arendt

Collects Hannah Arendt's "The Origins of Totalitarianism," "The Human Condition," and "Eichmann in Jerusalem," along with other essays and written correspondence.

Pros and cons

the electoral college
There are always two sides to every argument. Advocating for issues that matter to you is important, but what's equally as important is understanding those issues from the other perspective. This title dives deeper into this highly debated topic and provides readers with the tools and strategies to think critically and analyze the topic through an unbiased lens. Readers will learn how to use logic and facts to defend and argue against both stances while also learning how to stay empathetic and emotionally levelheaded. Book encourages, promotes, and helps build social-emotional learning (SEL) and highlights key 21st century skills and content. Includes research activity, table of contents, glossary, index, author biography, sidebars, and educational matter.

How democracies die

"A . . . look at the demise of liberal democracies around the world--and a road map for rescuing our own"--Publisher.

Freedom of speech and the press

The First Amendment of the US Constitution states that all people have the right to freedom of the speech and the press. This means citizens can speak, write, and publish freely. But there are limits to these rights. People continue to debate what types of speech are protected by the First Amendment. Freedom of Speech and the Press explores these rights, looking at how our understanding of these freedoms continues to change.


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