Lichtenheld, Tom

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Cloudette, the littlest cloud, finds a way to do something big and important like the other clouds.

What are you so grumpy about?

A collection of cartoons that present various reasons for being grumpy, such as eating "grown-up" cereal, getting a boring birthday present, doing chores, and being touched by your brother or sister.


The letter "e," injured in a fall, can only recover if everyone will stop using her, but things are just not the same when "o" offers to fill in.

Bridget's beret

When Bridget loses the beret that provides her with artistic inspiration like other great artists, she thinks she will never be able to draw again.

What's with this room?

A discussion between a boy and his parents about a bedroom, that is so dirty he would "have to clean up just to call it a mess," ends with a blast.

Everything I know about pirates

a collection of made-up facts, educated guesses, and silly pictures about bad guys of the high seas
A collection of made-up facts, educated guesses, and silly pictures about pirates.

Everything I know about cars

a collection of made-up facts, educated guesses, and silly pictures about cars, trucks, and other zoomy things
Presents a humorous illustrated collection of made-up cars and silly car facts.

Everything I know about pirates

a collection of made-up facts, educated guesses, and silly pictures about bad guys of the high seas
A collection of made-up facts, educated guesses, and silly pictures about pirates.

Everything I know about monsters

a collection of made-up facts, educated guesses, and silly pictures about creatures of creepiness
A collection of made-up facts, educated guesses, and silly pictures describing monsters.

What are you so grumpy about?

Illustrations and simple text describe different reasons for being grumpy, such as eating "grown-up" cereal, getting a boring birthday present, doing chores, and being touched by your brother or sister.


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