Esbaum, Jill

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Discusses the sights and sounds of the night, including the moon and its phases, stars and constellations, and nocturnal animals.
Cover image of Nighttime

Winter wonderland

Photographic spreads pay tribute to wintertime elements and traditions, from frost-covered windows to family gatherings, and warn about the chances of winter storms.

Seed, sprout, pumpkin, pie

Discusses how pumpkins grow, the different varieties of pumpkins, and the many ways people use them.

Everything spring

Presents an illustrated look at the arrival of spring, and new plants and animals.

Snow leopards

Describes the unique physical characteristics, food habits, and parenting behavior of snow leopards.
Cover image of Snow leopards

Winter wonderland

Photographs and text examine the changes that occur in nature and activities during the winter season.

Everything spring

Photographs and text examine the changes that occur in nature during the spring season.


Invites animal lovers to share a day in the life of a koala, offering images of a baby koala emerging from its mother's pouch before exploring the great world beyond.

Seed, sprout, pumpkin, pie

Full-color photographs and text follows the life cycle of a pumpkin seed, from germination to flower to a fully developed melon, which are often carved for Halloween decorations or made into pumpkin pie.

Apples for everyone

Presents a look at the fruit of autumn, with photographs and discussions of apples, pie, cider, and other comforting seasonal treats people enjoy as the leaves change color.


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