De S?ve, Randall

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This story is not about a kitten

A neighborhood comes together to help a kitten without a home.

The Duchess of Whimsy

an absolutely delicious fairy tale
The Duchess of Whimsy has absolutely no interest in the Earl of Norm until he makes a sandwich that causes her to look at him in an entirely different way.

Zola's elephant

A little girl hesitates to initiate a friendship with her new neighbor Zola because she imagines Zola is busy with another friend--an elephant.
Cover image of Zola's elephant

A fire truck named Red

When a young boy named Rowan is given his grandfather's old toy fire truck, Red, he's disappointed because he was hoping for a new truck of his own. But as Rowan and his grandfather repair the old toy, Grandpa tells him about the adventures he had with the truck as a young boy, and Rowan finds himself literally pulled into the toy's history.

Peanut & Fifi have a ball

Squabbling over a toy ball, two sisters ultimately learn that playing together is even more fun.

The Duchess of Whimsy

an absolutely delicious fairy tale
The Duchess of Whimsy has absolutely no interest in the Earl of Norm until he makes a sandwich that causes her to look at him in an entirely different way.
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