Turkington, Carol

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The poisons and antidotes sourcebook

A guide to preventing and treating household poisoning that includes checklists of what to do and what not to do in a poisoning emergency and information on how to identify the greatest risks, how to protect children and pets from accidental poisoning, what the most common poisons are, and other related topics.

The encyclopedia of deafness and hearing disorders

Presents more than six hundred alphabetical, cross-referenced entries related to hearing loss and its physical and psychological effects; also includes fourteen appendices on such resources as organizations, devices, periodicals, and programs for children.

Understanding fertility and infertility

the sourcebook for reproductive problems, treatments, and issues
A guide to fertility and infertility that provides information on reproductive problems, treatments, and issues.

Understanding learning disabilities

the sourcebook for causes, disorders, and treatments
Explains the causes, disorders, and treatments of learning disabilities, and provides information on recognizing learning disabilities, understanding the difference between specific disabilities, diagnosing disabilities, and choosing the right therapies and treatments.

Hepatitis C

the silent killer
Explores how Hepatitis C is transmitted, treatment options for those infected, new research strategies, and how to prevent infection.

Understanding memory

the sourcebook for memory and memory disorders
A guide to understanding memory, discussing Alzheimer's disease and age-related memory loss, offering advice on how to prevent memory loss and improve memory, and including alphabetically arranged entries that provide definitions and descriptions of terms and topics related to memory.


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