conversation and phrase books

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conversation and phrase books


Translates useful traveling phrases into Thai, in categories including transportation, directions, communications, banking, business, sightseeing, food, sports, and others; and includes a pronunciation guide, a phrase builder, and English-Thai and Thai-English dictionaries.

Southeast Asia

Translates useful traveling phrases into five languages spoken in Southeast Asia, including Burmese, Khmer, Lao, Thai, and Vietnamese, and provides pronunciation guides.

The new Oxford picture dictionary

Teaches English as a second language to Cambodian speakers through the use of pictures dealing with everyday topics such as the body, post office, law, travel, and family.

Working Spanish for teachers and education professionals

Presents a practical Spanish phrasebook designed for teachers and administrators.

Brinca y salta

Jump and hop
Mas libros de carton resistente en la popular serie "Me toca a mi" para que grandes y chicos jueguen juntos. Hablen de lo que ven y jueguen con los pintorescos personajes. Puedes brincar como un conejito, saltar como un canjuro o balancearte como un mono?.

Let's learn Spanish

Presents common Spanish words and phrases with English translations and color illustrations, covering such topics as greetings, shopping, restaurants, and sports.

Way cool Spanish phrase book

A guide to Spanish terms and slang used by young people. Covers food, friends, and technology with phrases such as "send me a text" and "I'm bored to death.".

Korean made nice & easy!

A quick guide to learning the Korean language for beginners. Features words and phrases for travelers; greetings and expressions; and directions, numbers, money, and time. Includes an alphabetical word list with pronunciation guidelines.

Breaking out of beginner's Spanish

Using a humorous approach, covers Spanish pronunciation, verb usage, grammar, and how to address people and avoid impolite language. Introduces phrases and idiomatic expressions that natives use to converse easily with Spanish people.


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