Unconventional FBI agent Kit Harrison, determined to pursue a conspiracy of illegal human genetic experimentation, travels to Colorado where he and veterinarian Frannie O'Neill work together to save a group of children who can fly.
In 1868, twelve-year-old Emma and her widowed mother move to a tiny mining town in Colorado Territory to start a newspaper, but someone is determined to scare them away.
When Crazy Horse and Cadillac, two very different but inseparable horses, go missing from the Half Moon Ranch in Colorado, thirteen-year-old Kirstie tries to recover the stolen animals.
A rhyming alphabet that names people, places, and things from Colorado's history, culture, and natural world and provides background information on each one.
Immersed in studying his favorite topic, dinosaurs, Oliver involves his fifth grade class in a campaign to make the stegosaurus the Colorado state fossil and runs afoul of an interfering bully.
The reader decides the course of action in an adventure in which a summer of biking, hiking, and exploring in Colorado culminates with the exciting and dangerous Ute Mountain Bike Race Series.