Kemper, Bitsy

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An introduction to Sweden, discussing the land, government, people, cultures and more.
Cover image of Sweden

Software engineer

"As the Digital Age continues to flourish, electronic devices found in everything from refrigerators to wristwatches are a constant, if not unavoidable, part of everyday life. None of these devices can work without software, and therefore, without the help of software engineering professionals. As the demand for computing devices continues to grow, so too does the demand for software engineers. What the job entails, what it pays, and future prospects are discussed along with insights from industry insiders"
Cover image of Software engineer

Teens and phobias

Explains what a phobia is, what causes it, how it affects daily life, possible treatments, and how people overcome it or learn to live with it.
Cover image of Teens and phobias

United Kingdom

An introduction to the United Kingdom, discussing the land, government, people, cultures and more.

The Philippines

An introduction to the Philippines, discussing the land, government, people, cultures and more.


Highlights the geography, government, cities, currency, people, customs, and culture that make France unique in an increasingly globalized world.

Growing your money

Making your money grow over time is easier than you might think. Investing is a great skill to learn. The sooner you start investing, the more money you can make. But what kinds of investments are there? Which ones are risky, and which ones are safer? Read this book to learn how smart investors can grow their money.

Earning income

Most people earn income by working at jobs. However, jobs are not the only way to make money. People receive money as gifts, by selling something they make or own, and by investing. But did you know people don't get to keep all of the income they earn? From allowances and salaries to paying taxes, read this book to learn more about income. "Decision time" sidebars help you analyze real-life scenarios and evaluate the choices people have to make about earning money. Learn how people find jobs and what factors you should consider for your future career.

Budgeting, spending and saving

People spend money on food, fashion, and fun. But how can you spend money wisely? How do you figure out what you want to buy and what you need to buy? Money is a key part of our world, and knowing how to use it is especially important. Read this book to learn how to save, to spend, and to build your own budget. "Decision time" sidebars help you analyze real-life scenarios and understand the choices people need to make when managing their money. Learn how to set and work toward short- and long-term financial goals, and explore the real costs of your purchasing decisions.

The right to privacy

interpreting the constitution
An explanation of the legal basis for the right to privacy in the United States and how it is interpreted by the courts.


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