South American journalist Paul Faustino begins his interview with World Cup Soccer star El Gato and learns a fantastic story of a young, lonely boy growing up in the middle of a rain forest who wandered upon a mysterious soccer field and an apparition that appeared to him daily.
While accompanying his father on an expedition up the Amazon River to a jaguar preserve in Brazil, fourteen-year-old Jacob must contend with dangerous animals and fortune hunters.
Sent with her governess to live with the dreadful Carter family in exotic Brazil in 1910, Maia endures many hardships before fulfilling her dream of exploring the Amazon River.
Photographs and simple text introduce young readers to the various colors found in Brazil, including black and white toucans, red feijoada, green water lilies and tree boas, brown nuts, and more.
Visits six-year-old Guilherme, seven-year-old Christian, and eight-year-old Ingrid at their homes and schools in Brazil, and also describes Brazil's nature and wildlife.
Sent with her governess to live with the dreadful Carter family in exotic Brazil in 1910, Maia endures many hardships before fulfilling her dream of exploring the Amazon River.