Examines the complex issues surrounding current energy sources and alternative energy options focusing on fossil fuels, bioenergy and geothermal energies.
This book is a collection of articles in which authors dispute the strengths and drawbacks of renewable energies and the political, environmental, and financial reasons they should or should not be part of the national and global energy outlook.
Contains essays that offer varying perspectives on issues associated with using alternative energy sources, discussing the benefits and negative aspects, and related topics.
Provides information about the use of non-renewable fossil fuels to create energy and discusses alternative sources that will not pollute or contaminate the environment. Suggests ways individuals can cut down their use of energy and provides internet sources for additional information about conserving energy. Includes photos, maps, a glossary, and an index.
Introduces younger readers to new ways in which power can be produced, examining the problems with existing energy sources and describing new technologies.
Explores the challenges posed by global warming on energy production, discussing the world's reliance on fossil fuels and efforts to cut fossil fuel emissions, and describing alternative energy solutions and their pros and cons.
Martha and Helen decide to enter Wagstaff City's Go Green Go-Cart race, so they do some research and visit the junkyard to find what they need to build a solar-powered cart.
Offers children an overview of renewable energy sources, exploring the most popular renewable energy sources, explaining how it can help combat climate change, describing where it comes from, and more.