Plowman, Fiona

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World politics

Offers arguments for and against topics related to world politics, including issues related to religion, democracy, the United Nations, the World Trade Organization, and more.

Work and the workplace

Offers arguments for and against topics related to work and the workplace, including worker rights, work culture, and work in the United States.

Poverty and wealth

Offers arguments for and against topics related to poverty and wealth, including ethics and morality, social and economic issues, and international development.

International law

Offers arguments for and against topics related to international law, including trade and the environment, crime, and the U.S. and international law.

U.S. Judiciary

Offers arguments for and against topics related to the U.S. judiciary, including the Federal judiciary checks and balances, the state courts, and selected problems in the system of justice.

Religion and morality

Offers arguments for and against topics related to religion, including morality and ethics, world religions, and religion in the United States.
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